Monday, March 23, 2009


Shameless self-promotion here, but you, faithful readers should check out this AWESOME video of me and Mike's AWESOME band playing an AWESOME show at Ronny's a couple of weeks ago:

the catburglars at ronnys (chicago) march 6th, 2009 from acid marshmallow on Vimeo.

Also, I find the need to include a video of a band we played with that night, THE POINTS from Washington D.C.

the points at ronnys (chicago) march 6th, 2009 from acid marshmallow on Vimeo.

As you can see, they were phenomenal. Good guys too. They went to high school with Danny McBride (that "Eastbound and Down" dude) which is really cool. Their singer looks a lot like Buddy Bradley and I love Travis' four on the floor stop through every song. Check them out at THEIR MYSPACE PAGE.

Enjoy, you savages.

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